Therma Ikarias is a spa town on the island of Icaria in Greece.
According to a study conducted by the University of Thessaloniki, the saline hot mineral springs of Ikaria contain the largest concentration of radon in Greece, being also among the most radioactive springs in the world.
The three springs currently in operation in the spa town of Therma (located 3 km East of Agios Kirykos port and 12 km from the island's airport) have a water temperature ranging between 45 and 52.8 degrees celsius (113–127 Fahrenheit). The radioactivity of the water covers a spectrum from 65 to 557 Mache units.
The waters of the hot mineral springs of Therma are considered suitable for the healing of the following conditions:
According to rheumatologist Dr. Ioannis Paraskevopoulos, apart from the healing qualities above, the water of the Therma hot springs has excellent beautifying effects for the skin, offering a revitalizing, fat-burning and skin-cleansing experience offering an impression incomparable to ordinary, artificial spas.
The hot springs are available to visitors from May to November.